Friday, October 3, 2014

Martial Arts Voodoo

More martial arts magicians in action

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's definitely time to revel in some more amazing display of martial arts voodoo - magicians showing us how we, the simple mortals and martial arts nitwits, obviously do things totally wrong!

How come I can't stare people down, throw an attacker with the slightest of touch or get a opponent to go totally bonkers with awesome chi powers? Man, do I ever need a better teacher! We all know there's nothing wrong with the student... Can you do this? No? Well you need a better teacher as well since there's nothing wrong with you either!

Martial arts voodoo - it's definitely out there

Voodoo in the fighting arts

Tai cheats in action

The Stare Fu master

We have shared this one before. However, it's too good (as in too bad) to be  left out of this martial arts shenanigans rundown.

Force field fail

Here's what happens when the force is not with you yet... you're in for a surprise and a sore butt!

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