Both fighters gets knocked out
It's not often you see both fighters knocked out at the same time like in the video clips shown below. But yes, it does happen and it does indeed look weird (to say the least); some would say it's definitely a martial arts fail - other's will lean more towards a simpler and less awkward "sh** happens".
Then there are those folks, like yours truly, who would go as far as saying it is even quite funny to watch. Probably not quite as funny watching it afterwards if you are one of the involved fighters though...
First, here are two mixed martial arts fighters hitting the light switch in perfect sync:
And here are two Muay Thai fighters with a perfectly executed double nut-shot (aka. I-knee-do):
And finally, here's a really strange situation... A mixed martial arts fight where both fighters fall out of the cage together (in a clinch) and gets knocked out:
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